Large Peony Bouquet
$70.00It’s peony season again! Treat yourself to a generous bouquet of fresh fluffy stems.Our large peony bouquet includes nine peony stems wrapped and tied in brown paper. Bouquet will include a varying mix of pink and coral tones selected at the designer’s discretion.
To prolong the vase life of your bouquet, make sure to place freshly-cut stems in a clean vase, filled with cool water; change water daily and keep flowers out of direct sunlight and away from sources of heat. If your peony stems need a little nudge to open, dunk the flower heads in warm water and peel back the outer guard petals.
Available for delivery May 20th and 21st.
All sales are final and non-refundable.
Small Peony Bouquet
$50.00It’s peony season again! Treat yourself to a lovely bouquet of fresh fluffy stems.Our small peony bouquet includes six peony stems wrapped and tied in brown paper. Bouquet will include a varying mix of pink and coral tones selected at the designer’s discretion.
To prolong the vase life of your bouquet, make sure to place freshly-cut stems in a clean vase, filled with cool water; change water daily and keep flowers out of direct sunlight and away from sources of heat. If your peony stems need a little nudge to open, dunk the flower heads in warm water and peel back the outer guard petals.
Available for delivery May 20th and 21st.
All sales are final and non-refundable.
We offer delivery four days a week to most locations in and around the city centre. All deliveries are assessed a ten dollar fee, and are always made in the afternoon between the hours of noon and six pm.
You may select your preferred delivery date on the checkout page. All orders must be placed twenty-four hours in advance of your preferred delivery date. Unfortunately, same-day delivery is not available at this time.
We recommend you choose a delivery date and time when the intended recipient will be present to receive the delivery, as we are unable to accommodate rescheduling.
Enter your postal code below to see if we deliver to your area.
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